TRACMEC Srl Uninominale

a company of Bauer Maschinen Gmbh
S.P. 610 Selice 10/C
40027 Mordano (BO), ITALIA
phone: +39 0542 589-11
Fax: +39 0542 589-99

Board of Directors:

• Monia Brusa (Presidente)
• Wolfgang Joachim Rauscher

Registered at the District Court of Bologna under VAT registration number 02537241206 - REA 447017

Provision of data and information / Disclaimer

TRACMEC makes every effort to ensure that the information and data presented on this website is accurate. However, we can provide no guarantee of, nor accept any liability for the currency, accuracy or completeness of the information and data presented. TRACMEC reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information or data presented without prior notice. Where our website makes statements pertaining to the future, such statements are founded on the convictions and estimates of TRACMEC , and as such are subject to risk and uncertainty. Any liability for the accuracy of such statements is expressly excluded.

Links / Disclaimer

The TRACMEC website contains links to the websites of third-party vendors. The said links merely provide access to external content.TRACMEC is not responsible for such external content.


Unless otherwise stipulated, the content and structure of the TRACMEC website are protected by copyright. This applies in particular to texts, images, graphics, and audio, video or animation files, including their layout on the site. Reproduction or use of this site or its content (in whole or in part) is not permitted without the prior express consent of the legal owners. The same applies to the use of trademarks and logos quoted or illustrated on the website.

Data protection

If you voluntarily provide us with personal data, such as in the course of submitting a request for information, please note that data transfer over the Internet is at present essentially unsecured. The possibility cannot be excluded that transmitted data may be disclosed to unauthorized persons, or even may become corrupted.
The transmitted personal data will be used and processed solely for the designated purpose, or within the framework of the respective business relationship. We will disclose data to state authorities only when legally required to do so.